
About Us

Tuang's Story

Tuang Za Khai is a Zomi researcher and author from Pakzaang, Tedim Township, Chin State, Myanmar. He specializes in plant-microbe interactions and plant stress responses, focusing on their implications for agriculture and food security. He also explores the historical and biblical significance of locations in Israel, examining biblical narratives through a scientific perspective. His writing covers a range of topics, from scientific research to self-help and personal growth.

Tuang Za Khai began his education at a primary school in Pakzaang, Tedim Township. He later attended a private high school in Mualbeem, Tedim Township. In 2003, he completed his high school education in Tedim (Lawibual). Following his high school graduation, he continued his education, pursuing the following degrees:

Early Life and Education

A Cademic Achievements

A Cademic Career

Tuang Za Khai currently works as a postdoctoral researcher at the Hebrew University of Jerusalem. Prior to this, he served as a lecturer at Kalay University in Myanmar. However, his career faced significant challenges due to his active role in advocating for democracy. In May 2021, he was expelled from his teaching position at Kalay University for his involvement in the civil disobedience movement and support for democracy. Despite these setbacks, he remains committed to promoting democratic values and accessible education for all. Despite no longer being affiliated with Kalay University, Tuang continues to engage in educational activities. He serves as a teaching fellow at the Burmese American Community Institute (BACI) and the Zomi Education Working Group (ZEWG), contributing to online education efforts to support students from Myanmar who were affected by the COVID-19 pandemic and the political situation, which disrupted their formal education.

Skills & Qualifications

Disease Symptom Analysis (ImageJ)
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Tuang Za Khai

Professional Experience


Postdoctoral Researcher

Department of Plant Pathology and Microbiology,
Institute of Environmental Sciences, The Robert H. Smith Faculty of Agriculture,
Food and Environment. Main project: ‘Mode of action of type III secretion system.’ Host: Professor Saul Burdman


Teaching Fellow

Burmese American Community Institute (BACI), The National University of Union of Myanmar, Global Campus. Lecturer – ‘Basic Molecular Biology’ and ‘Advanced Molecular Biology’
Developed syllabus and overall course structure, including weekly lab practicum (online).


Supervision for Linoy Biton

B.Sc. students (research exercise), Tel Aviv Univeristy.


Supervision for Mario Mircea Chiaburu

M.Sc. visiting student, Pablo de Olavide University of Seville, Spain


Supervision for Gui Mengling

M.Sc. student, Central China Normal University, PR, China.

2020 - 2021


Lecturer – ‘Plant Physiology’ 
Developed syllabus and overall course structure, including weekly lab practicum.

2014 - 2019

Assistant Lecturer

Teaching assistance to ‘Basic Concepts of Applied Botany’ Collaborated on curriculum and exam development, met with students upon request, and graded all written work, including final exam papers.


Assistant Lecturer

Teaching assistance to ‘Basic Concepts of Applied Botany’ Collaborated on curriculum and exam development, met with students upon request, and graded all written work, including final exam papers.

Awards and Fellowships

Chinese Government Scholarship

Chinese Government Scholarship

Ph.D. Scholarship from China Scholarship Council (2016-2019)

Israel Postdoc

Pikovsky Valazzi Fellowship

A Postdoctoral fellowship from from Valazzi Pikovsky (2022)

Conference and Worshop

March 5, 2023

Conference of The Research Center for Agriculture, Environment, and Natural Resoures

Attended the conference which held at Bolotin Farm, Rehovot.

February 28, 2023

The 2nd The Robert H. Smith Faculty of Agriculture Student Conference

Attended the conference which held at the Ariowitsch Auditorium, The Robert H. Smith Faculty of Agriculture, Food and Environment.

February 16-17, 2023

11th Conference of the Israel Society of Crop and Vegetable Sciences

Attended the conference which held in the Ariowitsch Auditorium, The Robert H. Smith Faculty of Agriculture, Food and Environment.

June 13, 2020

Guizishan Young Researchers Forum

Title: ‘Flg22-triggered immunitymediated balancing between the tradeoff between growth and defense upon freezing stress in Arabidopsis’. Conducted by Central China Normal University via Voov Meeting.

May 11, 2020

Workshop on Phyllosphere Microbiota Homeostasis and Plant Health

Attended a virtual workshop on Phyllosphere Microbiota Homeostasis and Plant Health via Voov Meeting, conducted by the Canadian Society of Plant Biologists (CSBP).

October 27, 2018

Academic Exchange Seminar between the University of Wisconsin–Madisonand Central China Normal University

Title: ‘Pst DC3000 infection impacts abiotic stresses response in Arabidopsis through altering global transcriptome.’ held at Conference Hall, School of Life Science, Central China Normal University.

June 27-28, 2018

The 19th Academic Conference & 10th Members Congress of Hubei PlantPhysiology Institute

Attended the conference of the 19th Academic Conference & 10th Members Congress of Hubei Plant Physiology Institute, held at Science Hall, Central China Normal University.


Royal Society of Biology Logo

Member (MRSB)

Royal Society of Biology

Member since: October 2023

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Scientific Constributions

Tuang’s research focuses on plant-microbe interactions, particularly plant-plant pathogen interactions. His work has been published in scientific journals, including The Plant Journal, Plant, Cell & Environment, and Plant Cell Reports. From 2019 to 2022, he published research papers for four consecutive years, which was noted as a first for a lecturer at Kalay University. Tuang’s work in plant functional genomics and pathology has contributed to the field of plant science within the Zomi community. His research aims to enhance understanding of plant diseases and their interactions with pathogens, which has potential implications for agriculture and food security.

Current journal roles

Peer Reviewer
Horticultural Plant Journal
Peer Reviewer
Molecular Biology Reports
Peer Reviewer
Journal of Plant Growth Regulation

Publications and Writings

Tuang Za Khai has authored numerous non-fiction articles in local dialects and several books. His publication “A Hizolo Omlo” (Nothing Is Impossible), released in 2014, received attention in Chin State. Tuang’s writing covers a range of topics, including scientific research and explorations of biblical history. He has written about locations in Israel, discussing their historical and biblical significance from a scientific perspective. His work combines elements of his scientific background with themes related to his religious beliefs.

Books by Tuang Za Khai

Personal Background

Tuang Za Khai is married to Cing Sen Zen, an advocate, and they have two children. Raised in a Christian family, he embraced his faith at the age of 14 and continues to explore the intersection of science and faith.

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Plant Pathology and Microbiology Department

Faculty of Agriculture, Food and Environment

Hebrew University of Jerusalem, Rehovot Campus

Rehovot, Israel

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